JoJo’s Amazing Holiday Ideas


It’s summer time and there’s lots of time to enjoy fun things … but what to do? Here are some suggestions from JoJo Gnome. Keep coming back to visit as I’ll add more things a summer goes on.

Listen To JoJo Gnome’s Beach Stories

Not one but two fun JoJo Gnome beach stories in this holiday special. The perfect summer listen.

Sand Painting

There’s something exciting about a beach of flat sand. Every time I see this I think… DRAW DRAW DRAW! So what about starting with Sammy Snail. Watch the video and meet Sammy!

JoJo Summer fun _ sammy snail

Click and meet Sammy Snail

Send A Postcard


Make and send your own postcard

There’s something really exciting about receiving a postcard. So why not make your own cards and send them? Here’s a JoJo Gnome picture to colour in and send as a card to a friend.


Rainy Day Video

If it is too wet to go out here’s a wee JoJo Gnome video which you might enjoy. JoJo Gnome and the Cake Contest.

jojo with teapots

Click and watch the video

There are lots more JoJo Gnome videos on You Tube.