Latest Story Podcast

Welcome to JoJo Gnome’s Story Podcast, recorded in the garden shed at the bottom of JoJo Gnome’s garden in Scotland. Writer and storyteller Jo Hall will be sharing stories about JoJo Gnome and his friends with you. You’ll also be able to join in and invent your own stories with our ‘Story Starters’. Ideal for ages 3-6 years.


Watch the latest JoJo Gnome story Podcast video and find out what JoJo Gnome has been up to at the beach. 

Check out the podcast page for each episode, which has lots of fun follow on activities.

Subscribe to the podcast (on Apple Podcasts , Spotify or from the player above) to make sure you don’t miss an episode. It’s free.

We are always delighted to hear from you if your are a school or an individual, email us at

Subscribe to the podcast (on Apple Podcasts , Spotify or from the player above) to make sure you don’t miss an episode. It’s free.

We are always delighted to hear from you if your are a school or an individual, email us at

Check out the Parent’s Page for more fun activities.

If you are listening in school check out The Teacher’s Page, which shows topic areas and curriculum links for the podcast.

Podcast Archive

#1 – Joining In

#2 – JoJo Gnome’s Beach Plastic Problem

#3 – JoJo Gnome & Beach Hair Salon

#4 – Rhyme Time

#5 – Autumn Fun

#6 – Crafty Fun

#7 – JoJo Gnome’s Christmas Cracker

#8 – JoJo Gnome’s New Challenges

#9- Fashion Fun

#10 – JoJo Gnome Loves Books

#11 – JoJo Gnome’s Springtime Stories

#12 – JoJo Gnome Loves Sounds

#13 – Story Kites

#14 – Summer Listening Special with JoJo Gnome

#15- Back To School With JoJo Gnome

#16- JoJo Gnome’s Autumn Journey

#17- JoJo Gnome gets Moving

#18 – JoJo Gnome’s Christmas Story Special

#19 – JoJo Gnome Tries New Things

#20 – JoJo Gnome And The Pet

#21 – JoJo Gnome & Home School

#22 – Sow & Grow With JoJo Gnome

#23 – JoJo Gnome Superhero

#24 – Don’t Worry JoJo Gnome

#25 – JoJo Gnome & The Noisy Walk

#26 -JoJo Gnome Loves Numbers

#27 – JoJo Gnome’s Family

#28 – JoJo Gnome Loves Counting

#29 – JoJo Gnome Recycles At Christmas

#30 – JoJo Gnome & The Food Bank

#31 – JoJo Gnome Learns To Share

#32- JoJo Gnome Makes New Friends

#33- JoJo Gnome & the Maths Challenge

#34 – JoJo Gnome’s A-Z of Christmas

#35- JoJo Gnome & The Cardboard Box Challenge

#36 – Back To School With JoJo Gnome

#37 – JoJo Learns About Shapes

#38 – JoJo Gnome’s Christmas Story Podcast 2023

#39 – JoJo Gnome Feels Happy

#40 – JoJo Gnome Eco Superhero