Podcast# 9 – Fashion Fun


Welcome to the podcast page for JoJo Gnome’s StoryPodcast #9  – Fashion Fun. In the story ‘Emma the Minibeast Model’  find out how JoJo Gnome’s friend Emma the snail became a catwalk superstar. There is a story starter in there too where you can design a brand new hat for JoJo Gnome. Make sure you share them with us at  jojognome@gmail.com

The podcast is free to download and you can subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. You can also find JoJo Gnome’s Story Podcast on iTunes and Spotify. If you enjoy the podcast leave a review and share with your friends.

JoJo Gnome’s Latest Book “JoJo Gnome & the Scarecrow” is on sale now in JoJo Gnome’s Etsy Shop (£6.99 including postage on UK mainland). A digital version of the book is available on Amazon (£3.99).


More JoJo Gnome Fun Things

Emma The Minibeast Model Film

Check out the story below with some pictures. Did Emma look like what you thought she would when you heard the podcast?


JoJo Gnome Hats


A few JoJo Gnome pals have been designing some new hats already. Thank you Sandy, Jacob, Molly, Locki and Tay. Looking forward to seeing more of your styles …and we’ll put them up on the page. Check out what some children from Strathblane Primary thought the hats would look like.

More Fashion Pictures

After listening to the fashion fun podcast this JoJo Gnome fan created this wonderful outfit for JoJo. Well done, keep sending us your pictures.

Hat Book

If you have so many hat styles you have to have a book to draw them all in then why not make your very own mini drawing book. You only need one sheet of paper and it is very easy to do.

Storytelling Hat

When I’m in school doing storytelling or workshops I always wear my storytelling hat. I think that a special hat makes the story even better. Have a look at it below and tell me if you think there is anything I should add to it?

JoJo Gnome’s Pinterest Board for Podcast #9

Looking for some other fun makes and games which fit in with our hat and fashion theme … well check out JoJo Gnome’s Pinterest Page.