What Makes You Happy?

The latest JoJo Gnome video … ‘What Makes You Happy?’ has just been published.  This is the last film in the Creative Scotland funded JoJo Gnome Emotions Project. All JoJo Gnome stories are suitable for children aged 3-6 year, but this story was specially written with ASN schools and younger children in mind.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9-rOfThYgU

The Emotions project ran for most of last year and JoJo Gnome and I visited many schools across Scotland each celebrating emotions in their own way by making a short film. You can see all of the  stories and  films the children made with me on JoJo Gnome Emotions page. https://www.jojognome.com/enjoy-stories-about-emotions/

There are also British Sign Language versions of some of the stories so check them out!

To celebrate all of the emotions work the current JoJo Gnome Story Podcast is all about happiness (#39 -JoJo Gnome feels happy)

It was an fantastically emotional year and here are a few of the many project highlights.

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