Christmas Countdown!

Christmas book published this month

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Later in November sees JoJo Gnome and the Smell of Christmas on sale as an e-book. It will be available from the amazon site from 8th November 2013. The cost of the e-book is £2.58 and it is a perfect picture book for 3-7 year olds in the build up to Christmas. Also a nice addition to have on a new smart phone, tablet or computer!

As an added bonus if you email me your book receipt from Amazon (before 24rd December 2013) I will send you back a  JoJo Gnome piece of digital art (with your child’s name on it). An extra special Christmas extra!


Watermarked Image

The Gnome in Rome


For my 50th birthday I didn’t want a party but did want to go to Rome … so after 10 months of waiting I finally got my present. Was it worth waiting for , well yes!  I love Scotland to bits but was happy to depart the dreich damp weather here for a few days of sunshine and warmth. So what were the highlights…

  1. The buildings and the colours. So many wonderful wee streets and doorways. Even the peeling doorways are charming.
  2. The scale of St Peter’s  … makes you feel very small. Didn’t see the Sistine chapel but by the time I made it that far my  legs were about falling off. My advice to anyone is a comfy pair of shoes. I may have not come back with the thighs of a Roman goddess but my feet were louping.
  3. How cool the Romans were… I mean literally I was sweltering  (a wee pink in the face Scottish woman) and they were in their winter woolies, very stylish high winter boots and shades.
  4. Enjoying watching my son eating yet another pizza … 7 in 3 days (including one for breakfast). If you need a recommendation for the best pizza in Rome I know the guy who can tell you.
  5. Taking JoJo Gnome and his paper boat to the Trevi fountain. Fighting off the hundreds of tourists to get the perfect shot! Fun times.  And no I am afraid JoJo didn’t throw the coins in the fountain… we would have taken out at least 6 gelato eating tourists doing that! Wanted to take a shot of JoJo on the Spanish steps but I am still looking for them!



JoJo’s Christmas Countdown


To celebrate the new book coming out I have designed a JoJo Gnome advent calendar which you will be able to make at home with eager young helpers. Free downloadable drawings coming soon.

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